Vaccines - Immunizations
2017 MnVFC Program Update: If your child is uninsured or under-insured, he or she MAY BE ELIGIBLE to receive vaccinations through the Minnesota Vaccines for Children Program. Please note that there will be injection fees incurred at the time of the vaccinations.
Click link to OPT OUT of participation in MIIC. Please scroll halfway down to the Privacy Setting Change Request, where you can complete the electronic form for Opting out of MIIC.
Diseases Prevented by Vaccines - (MDH website)
Find a Public Health Clinic - (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services website)
Immunization Basics - (MDH website)
Immunization Schedules - (MDH website)
Meningococcal Vaccine (Meningitis) - (MDH website)
Minnesota Vaccines for Children Program (MnVFC) - (MDH website)
Travel Vaccines
Vaccine Information Statements (VIS) (CDC website)
Cost, Billing and Insurance
The patient is responsible for verifying coverage for vaccinations and all administration fees with their insurance company prior to receiving immunizations. The patient accepts responsibility for any and all charges not covered by their insurance.
Vaccinations are costly. If you are unsure whether your insurance fully covers the cost of immunizations and related fees, contact your insurance company before your visit to confirm your benefits. Please be aware that some insurance plans may cover your child's well-visit, but not the corresponding immunizations.
2017 MnVFC Program Update: If your child is uninsured or under-insured, he or she MAY BE ELIGIBLE to receive vaccinations through the Minnesota Vaccines for Children Program. Please note that there will be injection fees incurred at the time of the vaccinations.
Flu shots
Flu shots are now available at AALFA Family Clinics for patients with regular private health insurance coverage. If you have not been seen within the last year, you will need to see a Provider before receiving your flu shot. Call to schedule today.
Patients over the age of 35 months who do not have regular private health insurance can go to a public health clinic to receive a flu shot.
HPV Vaccine Information for Patients
The human papilloma virus (HPV) causes cervical cancer and genital warts and is the most common sexually transmitted virus in the United States. HPV is spread through sexual contact which includes, but is not limited to, sexual intercourse. Recently, a vaccine to prevent the four most common types of HPV was approved by the FDA.
AALFA Family Clinic maintains that the best way to avoid an infection with HPV is to abstain from sexual relations before marriage and to remain faithful if married. But because more than 50% of men and women are infected with HPV at sometime in their lives, exposure to the virus is possible even in a monogamous relationship (due to a spouse's possible prior exposure to HPV). HPV vaccine may prevent the disease from occurring.
Zostavax (Shingles) Vaccine
Due to the high cost and low reimbursement rate for the Zostavax (Shingles) Vaccine, if you wish to receive the vaccine in our clinic, you will be required to complete our Check-Out Process following your appointment. If you have any questions regarding this policy, please call 651-653-0062 to speak to our Office Manager.